How do you know if it is time
to make a change?
Simply put, if substance use, abuse, or addiction are causing consequences in your life or keeping you from reaching your goals or from being the person you want to be, then it might be time to seek addiction counseling and make some changes.
- Relationship Issues (arguing, infidelity, domestic abuse, etc)
- School Issues (Grades fall off, poor attendance, social struggles, etc)
- Legal Issues (arrest, DUI, Domestic Violence, Assault, etc)
- Personal Issues (Loss of job, loss of motivated, isolation, health issues, etc)
Use, Abuse, and Addiction:
How Addiction Counseling Can Help
The relationship to substances is different for everyone as well as is the path to recovery. Through a Transpersonal lens, we look at addiction, substance use/abuse and recovery from a whole person perspective.
Substances often become a primary coping skill for trauma, physical and emotional discomfort, or any unwanted or uncomfortable emotions. For some individuals, substance use becomes a “crutch” or primary coping skill which helps in the moment but is not effective long term. The substance becomes a barrier for personal growth. For this type of person, working through the underlying issues may result in a decrease in use or abstinence altogether.
For others, when substance use leads to addiction and dependence, abstinence is the key to sobriety and long term success. Substance abuse and dependence are caused by many different factors including genetic make-up, social pressures, environmental stressors, various levels of trauma, as well as mental health issues that may contribute to and confound substance abuse and addiction issues. This is a more complex situation that requires a more comprehensive approach to addiction counseling and recovery.
Knowing that recovery looks different to each individual, our goal is to help develop a path to sobriety that makes sense to you and to support you in your own individualized journey to create the life that you want.
The Path to Recovery:
We believe that all human beings are innately good people with good hearts. This belief allows us in addiction counseling to work from a whole person perspective and treat the behavior and/or disease without judgement or shame. We also feel strongly that recovery is a complex process and requires layers of support. We work with our clients to build the necessary support systems which can be the foundation for a healthy recovery. We support our clients to become stronger in body, mind and spirit and strive to support our clients to feel strong and empowered in all areas of their lives.